• FREE Cheetah Smart Start Guide for the PMP Exam Updated For the NEW PMBOK 6th Edition

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  • Group Discounts

    It’s easy to run fast, alone.
    If you want to run fast, together,
    Get trained by Cheetah

    Corporate Discounts – If you have 5 or more people who need to become PMP certified, contact us for a corporate discount promotion code.
    Preferred Student Pricing – We are on many company preferred vendor lists. For organizations who have preferred vendor lists – we can integrate with a preferred student pricing formula based on the number of staff for training.
    Group PMP Programs – if you have 5 or more people who would like to participate in a group training to become PMP certified together, we offer participation in our Accelerated PMP Exam Prep programs at a discounted rate.


    Please contact us at 844-800-4PMP (844-800-4767), email info@cheetahlearning.com,
    Schedule a Call
    or complete the form below.